In your Wildeye Portal account, be sure that the Nameservers for the new domain is updated to exactly match that of the Nameservers of your hosting package.
Get the Nameserver details:
Go Products & Services >> My Products & Services >> [Hosting Plan] >> Manage tools menu in the left sub-menu >> Nameservers
Copy the nameservers to a notepad, then
For the domain name:
Go Domains >> My Domains >> [Domain Name] >> Manage tools menu in the left sub-menu >> Nameservers
And paste the hosting nameserver details in, replacing the old ones. The order is not important as long as old and new nameservers are not both in there.
Next step is to log in to your hosting control panel (cPanel).
The section in your hosting control panel that you need is Domains.
That will list all your current domains on the hosting account.
There is a documentation link at the top of the page that will take you to (the doc link may change over time, so it's good to know where it is for future).
Follow the cPanel guide in that link to add your domain name to your hosting package.
Allow a few hours for the changes to propagated through the internet and your settings to take effect.